Hitachi Industrial Equipment & Solutions America, LLC

Air Knife / Dust Collection

Air Knife / Dust Collection

Efficiently Dry Clean and Cool Work in Process

Overview - Manufacturing and production organizations use air knives for a variety of purposes ranging from removing liquids, controlling the thickness of liquids during production, drying finished or in-process product, removing process debris or other impurities, cooling product surfaces, or providing a non-contact hold-down force. Air supplied by either industrial blowers or air compressors is used to force air through a specially designed nozzle to create a wide, thin, uniform concentrated air flow at a specified volume and velocity.

An air knife / dust collection system typically involves many of the following issues:

  • Pressure fluctuations or inconsistent air flow
  • Resulting production quality issues
  • Reducing energy consumption
  • Inconsistent blow off of complex part shapes
  • Static electricity (esp. in electronics production)
  • System downtime reducing production uptime
  • Frequent costly equipment maintenance
  • Noise

Products supporting an air knife / dust collection system should deliver:

  • Precise controllable airflow
  • Clean, oil-free air in many applications
  • Energy efficiency
  • High reliability/availability
  • Easy operation and maintenance
  • Quiet operation

Products for Air Knife / Dust Collection