distribution line graphic

Warren Distribution pushes its Hitachi Inkjet Printers to mark 280 bottles per minute. Is there an opportunity to improve product printing in your operation?

  • Industry Automotive
  • Customer Warren Distribution
  • Distributor Palco


Family-owned since 1922, Warren Distribution blends, packages and distributes lubricants and chemicals for the automotive industry. Everyone from the professional technician to the weekend wrench trusts their house brands.

Warren Distribution

Family-owned since 1922, Warren Distribution blends, packages and distributes lubricants and chemicals for the automotive industry. Everyone from the professional technician to the weekend wrench trusts their house brands.

The Need for Speed

Warren’s packaging operation in Council Bluffs, IA includes individual product marking to meet traceability requirements. To keep their global supply chain full, their lines run up to 280 bottles per minute. Beyond the demand for speed, the printers must handle frequent color changes and a variety of container sizes, ranging from 4 ounces to 5 gallons.

We had tried wax-based printers, which were large and cumbersome. Dot matrix printers wouldn’t handle the line speed.

Greg Lightner, line technician
at Warren Distribution

Finding the Local Expert

Warren worked with the experts at Palco Industrial Marking and Labeling, their local Hitachi dealer. After reviewing the speed and product variation demands, and being mindful of space claim, the Warren/Palco team commissioned nine Hitachi industrial inkjet printers.

The Result

The Hitachi printers reliably deliver clear marks at Warren’s demanding line speeds. The simple code system helps reduce changeover time to just 30 seconds, helping meet variations in product size and ink color efficiently. Plus, the Hitachi printers have proven to be user-friendly, reducing the training time for new team members.

I don’t worry when I come in, ‘Is the printer going to work today?’ It’s the furthest thing from my mind.

Greg Lightner, line technician
at Warren Distribution